unearthly landscape

Craft Center Classes

Craft Center Classes

Spring Registration: Student registration will begin April 2 at 12:30pm. Registration will be held simultaneously on-line and in-person. General registration (over 18 years old) opens April 3 at 12:30pm. Due to high demand, we ask that people only register for one class per quarter.

All classes meet at the Craft Center: 430 Hutchison Dr. Davis, CA 95616

CLICK HERE  for our current offering of classes. Below are longer descriptions of classes. The Craft Center offers more than 80 classes each quarter in our 11 different studios, ranging from one-day workshops to seven-week courses. Our program is open to everybody 18 years or older. Classes are small, so you get lots of one-on-one attention. After developing a skill, you may purchase a day or quarter pass to use the studios whenever our classes are not in session. Many classes include passes as well.

Arts and Crafts

Book Binding

Make your own beautiful books! The class will emphasize the visual and tactile aspects of the book and how to use color, design, and texture in the process of fabrication. The terminology, styles, materials, and tools of bookbinding will be covered and creative design will be encouraged! (Three classes.)

Please note: Attendance of the first class is mandatory. Class includes access to bookbinding supplies outside of class.


Cake Decorating

Learn the basics of fondant and learn how to make fondant at home. Learn how to prepare a round cake for fondant by measuring the cake and the fondant amount needed for each size of the cake. Learn how to get perfectly smooth fondant and learn basic fondant techniques such as quilting, swags, inlays, and overlays. (Three classes.)

Note: Students will NOT be working with a real cake, but with a styrofoam form.


Candle Making

Learn how to make candles! This class will teach the basics of color and scents in candles to add onto more complicated designs in later classes. Different substances and themes will be used to help anyone make a candle for any occasion, holiday, theme, or design. (Five classes.)


Drawing (Beginning)

Drawing is the most fundamental form of art and students will explore different techniques on paper using charcoal, pencil, pen and ink etc. They will learn how to look at objects in a contemporary way using traditional materials. Drawing supplies are included for use in class, and the instructor will provide information for those students who wish to purchase additional supplies. (Three classes.)


Imaginative Gesture Drawing

Students will learn to draw the human figure, applying the concepts of contour, shading, composition, and perspective introduced in Beginning Drawing to the study of the human form. The class will use charcoal and pencil to draw portraits, self portraits, and full figure drawings of models. Model fees and drawing supplies for use in class are included in the class fee. Beginning Drawing or some previous drawing experience is recommended. 


Relief Printmaking

Create your own limited edition and one-of-a-kind colorful prints using traditional methods. You will learn basic carving and printing techniques in linoleum for both press and non-press printing. Paper, ink, and basic tools will be provided for use in class, and the instructor will provide information for students who wish to purchase their own tools and supplies. (Five classes.)

Class includes Studio Orientation. Includes printmaking class pass.


Soap Making

Students will learn how to create soap from lye, including mixing the fats, molding the mixture, and adding scents and color. The milling process will be covered, and participants will also learn to make simple glycerine soap in the microwave. All supplies are included in the class price. Please bring a lunch for class. (One class.)


Ukrainian Egg Dyeing

Pysanky, derived from a Ukrainian word meaning to write, is the name for eggs decorated using a wax-resist method to create simple or intricate designs. In this one day workshop, students will learn to “write” on their eggs with a specialized tool and hot wax to create multi-layered designs with brightly colored dyes. Participants should bring two or three raw eggs, a candle holder, and a tapered candle. All other supplies, including a take-home kit, are included in the class price.



Zentangle is a form of artistic meditation through a very specific method of deliberate intention that produces non-objective drawings composed of patterns (tangles) that can be viewed from all four sides. Zentangle is about process, not outcome. The Zentangle Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. No prior drawing experience needed. (One class.)


Beyond Handbuilding

Beyond Handbuilding: Texture. Coiling, and Extrusion

This class assumes you know the basics of hand-building: joining techniques, the use of templates, properties of clay bodies, basic forming techniques, and glazing. This is an intermediate level class. Students can be creative, using basic techniques in making their forms, but adding more varying textures, combining extruded parts with handbuilt parts, building larger pieces with coils, and exploring sculpture as opposed to functional pieces. (Five classes.)

Class includes Studio Orientation. 


Ceramic Forms and Handles

This class focuses on applying handles to ceramic vessels whether it be for a mug, pot, dish, etc. We will be using both hand-built ceramic handles and various other materials. Students will learn various techniques and styles of handle making along with beginning wheel throwing. 

Class includes Studio Orientation. 


Glaze Workshop

In this single workshop, students will learn a variety of creative techniques to enhance the results of our glazes, underglazes, and oxides. Participants should bring four bisque-fired pieces to the class. All other supplies are included. (One class.)

Prerequisites: Previous ceramic experience and own bisque pieces. 


Handbuilding Basics

Students will learn to fabricate forms by combining simple pinch pots, slabs and coils, as well as shaping hollow forms, texturing the clay surface, and glazing the final product. Glazes, firings, and one bag of clay are included in the class price. Class price adjusted to include one bag of clay for pickup at the craft center. Additional clay can be bought for $12 a bag. Wear old clothes and closed-toe shoes.

 (Five classes; includes ceramics class pass)


Handbuilt Teapot Workshop

The teapot workshop is an overview of teapot construction, design and function. This class will show students how to construct teapots using handbuilding techniques, as well as provide valuable insight to the unique challenges that potters face while constructing teapots of various forms (Three classes).


Raku Potluck

Raku is a dynamic glaze firing process that produces spectacular results. Beginners are welcome in this one-day workshop, where students will learn the basics of raku and participate in the glazing and firing of pre-bisqued pieces. Glazes are included in the class price. Students can bring their own bisqued pieces or learn the technique using bisqueware abandoned at the Craft Center. Participants should bring a potluck dish to share.

Please note: Class is held outside, so please wear appropriate clothing.


Tall Throwing

Students will learn how to throw large forms, such as vases and bowls, and how to increase the height of thrown pieces. This is an intermediate level class and has prerequisites. First bag of clay, glazes, and firings are included in the class price. Clay is available for purchase at the Craft Center. (Seven classes; includes ceramics class pass.)

Prerequisites: Either a beginning wheelthrowing class at the Craft Center or previous experience elsewhere with a ceramics studio orientation. Please call the Craft Center at 530-752-1475 or email craftcenter@campusrec.ucdavis.edu for the permission code. 

Class includes orientation.


Wheelthrowing (Beginning)

Instructors will focus on making students comfortable with the kick wheel, so they can learn throw a few basic forms such as cylinders, bowls, and cups. Glazing techniques will also be covered and students can expect to produce some finished pieces. Glazes, firings, and one 25-pound bag of clay are included in the class price. More clay is available for purchase at the Craft Center. (Seven classes; includes ceramics class pass.)

Class includes orientation.


Flameworking 101

Learn the basics of working with borosilicate or hard glass in this four-class tutorial. You will practice multiple decorative and coloring techniques as you complete several glass objects. Projects include pendants, marbles, and similar solid objects. No prior experience is necessary. Some supplies are included in the class fee, and additional materials are available for purchase at the Craft Center. (Four classes; includes flameworking class pass.)

Class includes orientation.


Glass Vessels (Beginning)

Learn the basic skills needed to create and shape hollow glass forms. Students will learn techniques for manipulating borosillicate glass tube–including pulling points, making a punty, shaping a design, fuming metals, and wrapping and raking vibrant color. (Four classes, includes flameworking class pass.)

Class includes orientation.


Intro to Marble Making

In this two day workshop students will explore basic marble making techniques including how to gather and mold glass into a sphere. Design techniques will cover internal work such as vortexes and implosions as well as surface work such as dot stacks, pinwheels, and wrap and rakes. Students will also be introduced to silver fuming as well as setting gilson opals in glass.  


Small Glass Sculpture

Create tiny colorful figures out of glass. The class emphasis is on animals, but you will gain the skills to create small sculptures of your own design. No prior experience is necessary. The first class includes important safety information, so you must arrive on time. Some supplies are included in the class fee, and additional materials are available for purchase at the Craft Center. (Two classes.)

Class includes orientation.


Advanced Glass Fusing

Add depth to your glass fusing experience with three-layer fusing followed by sandblasting, using floral former vases, shelf melts, pot melts, and metal inclusions. (Four classes; includes glass fusing class pass.)

Prerequisite: Either a beginning glass fusing class at the Craft Center or previous experience elsewhere with a glass studio orientation. Please call the Craft Center at 530-752-1475 or email craftcenter@campusrec.ucdavis.edu for the permission code.


Glass Casting

Learn how to create 3-D sculptures out of glass. You will be creating a design with clay, making a plaster mold from your design, and then casting your design in glass. The first class includes a mandatory safety review so attendance is required. Firings are included in the class price. Glass is available for purchase at the Craft Center. (Four classes; includes glass fusing class pass.)


Glass Fusing (Beginning)

In this class, students will learn to transform flat pieces of glass into beautiful jewelry, picture frames, bowls, and plates. A kiln is used to first fuse the glass together and then again to slump the fused glass to shape. Cutting, grinding and layering glass pieces to form pleasing compositions will be demonstrated and practiced. The first class includes a mandatory safety review so attendance is required. Firings are included in the class price. Glass is available for purchase at the Craft Center. (Four classes; includes glass fusing class pass.)


Glass Fusing Introduction

Students can learn the basics of glass fusing as they design and prepare small pieces for fusing in this one-day workshop. Some glass is included in the class price, and additional glass is available for purchase at the Craft Center.

Class includes orientation.


Stained Glass (Beginning) 

Students will learn to cut and grind glass, apply copper foil, and solder finished pieces together. Beginners can expect to complete a simple 15-20 piece pattern project during class. Some supplies are included in the class price and glass is available for purchase at the Craft Center. Patterns not provided. (Six classes; includes stained glass class pass.)

Class includes orientation.


Bronze Casting 

This class, geared toward casting with a sculptural emphasis, will cover the entire process of casting, including creating a wax original, making an investment mold, burning out the wax, melting and pouring the bronze, and finishing the piece. Wax, investment, and bronze are available for purchase at the Craft Center. The first class includes a mandatory safety review so attendance is required. (Six classes)

Class includes Studio Orientation. 


Chain Making Workshop 

Students will learn how to make a variety of intricate chains out of jump rings and wire that do not require soldering setups and can be made easily using small pliers and hand tools at home. The students will leave with a completed bracelet, possibly a necklace or multiple projects depending on how intricate their chain is. No prior experience is needed, but students should think of a project before coming to class. (One Day Workshop; No Studio Pass)


Introduction to Enameling 

The bright, jewel-like colors created by firing powdered glass onto metal have made enamel a favored choice for designers of jewelry. In this class, students will learn how to cut metal, sift or wet-pack enamels and fire their pieces. Jewelry making skills are helpful but not essential. Maximum piece size is 2x2x2” (Three classes).

Class includes Studio Orientation.

Please note: The first class includes a mandatory safety review so attendance is required. Enamels are provided for use in class, and metal, foils, cloisonne wires, etc are available from the instructor or the Craft Center.


Jewelry and Beading Techniques 

Using a variety of beginning techniques, you will learn how to make necklaces, bracelets, earrings and more in this class. You will also learn how to make solderless metal clasps and earring wires. The projects introduce the user to several materials, including flexible coated wire, elastic cord, memory wire, and silver and gold tone wire for simple wire-wrapped objects. Students may bring their own beads or purchase beads from the instructor. A materials fee of $15-20 will be payable to the instructor at the first class. (Three classes.)


Lapidary Workshop 

This one-day workshop will show participants how to take a rock from its rough and natural state to a polished stone ready to be used in fine art projects and jewelry pieces.  In this one-day workshop, students will learn how to trim stones to size and use the grinding and polishing wheels of our circular and flat lapidary machines. Stones will be available for purchase during class.   


Lost Wax Casting 

Students will learn the entire lost wax process, including preparing the wax form, creating a plaster mold, burning out the wax and casting their piece. This class is geared toward casting with a jewelry emphasis. Basic wax techniques will be covered, but the instructor will not cover extensive wax carving procedures. The first class includes a mandatory safety review so attendance is required. Investment, wax, copper, and silver are available for purchase at the Craft Center (Three Classes; includes jewelry class pass).


Precious Metalsmithing (Beginning) 

Students will learn design, layout, piercing and sawing, soldering, polishing and finishing, and some stone setting techniques. Students can expect to complete pieces such as rings, earrings, bracelets, pins, necklaces or other items. The first class includes a mandatory safety review so attendance is required. The first project will be creating a ring; materials up to $13 will be provided. Additional supplies are available for purchase at the Craft Center. (Six classes; includes jewelry class pass.)

Class includes orientation.


Precious Metalsmithing (Continued) 

This class will focus on the development of additional metalsmithing techniques and skills. The beginning metalsmithing class is a prerequisite as this class will build upon concepts and skills acquired in the beginning class. Students should be proficient in basic soldering/torch operation, fabrication skills, bezel setting and safety precautions. The class will be largely project-driven and participants will work on a project of their choice (subject to instructor approval). (Six Classes; Studio Pass Included)


Wire Jewelry Design 

This class will explore the versatility of wire in making jewelry, including making hand-made chains, clasps, earring hooks and more. Students will learn to use simple hand tools to create basic wire and bead jewelry. Creative design concepts will also be covered. Students can expect to complete 2 - 4 simple pieces (earrings, rings, etc) or 1 - 2 more complex pieces (bracelet, wire wrapped bezel pendant, necklaces, etc). Copper wire is included in the class price, and silver wire is available for purchase at the Craft Center.

Students should bring ideas, photos or sketches to the first class. Beads and cabochons will be available for purchase; however, students are also welcome to bring any items they wish to incorporate into their designs. (Two classes; does NOT include class pass.)

Maker Space

Maker Space classes:

3D Printing Design

Create a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) project and print it using a 3D printer. This class will highlight the advantage of open-source technology and inventiveness of mechanical art. Learn the history of additive manufacturing (3D printing!) and what techniques are possible today, as well as how to use the 3D creation suite, Blender, to design a model that will be printed on the 3D printers in-studio.

3D Printing Workshop

Learn how to use a 3D printer, from set-up to troubleshooting to printing! This workshop will teach you what goes into a good 3D print. Students should bring their own laptops.

DIY Keyboards

Learn to build a split keyboard and take your desk ergonomics to a new level! You will learn how to solder, program, and maintain the split keyboard of your dreams. Walk away with a ready-to-use split, ortholinear keyboard that can be customized to your heart’s content.

DIY Robotics

Each student will get to build and keep their own robotic arm. After completing the course, students will be able to 3D print, laser cut, 3D model, create simple electrical circuits, and write small programs in Python. Absolutely no previous experience is necessary. This class is targeted at getting beginners confident in a series of skills, and comfortable in the Craft Center's new Maker Space! Encouraged for students with no engineering experience.

Laser Cutting (Intro)

This class covers the basics of using our laser cutter from getting to know the software to completing a project. Students can expect to complete one instructor guided project and have additional time to design their own. (4 classes, includes Laser Cutting class pass)

Cricut Maker 3 - An Introduction

This is the ultimate smart cutting machine. With tons more compatible materials and tools than our other cutting machines, you'll be amazed by what's possible. Blow minds with big banners, engraved metal, debossed leather, and so much more. Plus, bust out popular projects like custom cards, T-shirts & full-color stickers. No design experience required. Works with a free Design Space app. Participants will learn how to get the most out of the Cricut Maker 3 with 1-on-1 guidance from the Instructor. Students will make a decoration out of Vinyl and/or Paper in this workshop. Students are required to bring a laptop and charger.


Black & White Printing 

In this class, students will learn how to consider lighting, composition, and texture when taking photos. They will also be guided through the process of film and paper developing, with printing techniques such as dodging and burning. The course builds on previously taught material, so attendance at the first class is mandatory. No prior photography experience necessary. Chemical use is included, and film and paper are available for purchase at the Craft Center. Students will receive their first roll of film, negative sleeve, and 10 pieces of paper for free. (Four classes, includes photography class pass.) One roll of film and 10 sheets of paper included in class price. extra materials can be purchased at craft center.

IMPORTANT REMINDERS: wear old clothes.

BRING TO FIRST CLASS: Notebook, pencil or pen, camera without film, and camera manual if you have it. If you do not own a camera, you may rent one on your first day of class.


Digital Photography 

This course is designed for those who want to learn more about digital photography, including lighting and composition. Students will learn about basic camera settings, white balance, and image compression. Students will also learn how to download their images to a computer. Bring their digital camera (DSLR recommended) and manual to the first class. Please note that this is not a course in Photoshop. (Five classes.)


Studio Lighting 

This workshop shows you how to properly handle lighting equipment and how to control studio lights to enhance your photos. Prior experience in digital photography highly reccomended.

This is a 2 day workshop!

Screen Printing

Image Preparation 

Welcome to design 101! This class will focus on getting your desired image formatted and screen print ready for our t-shirt, glass, or poster classes. Students learn the basics of the Adobe suite. Topics include design file basics, intro to Illustrator and Photoshop and industry knowledge of the screen printing industry. In-class and take home tutorials included.

Previous screen printing or software knowledge not required. Laptop and space to download Adobe Creative Suite free trial are required; laptop is not provided. Email is required to deliver files. Wi-fi is a plus. (Three classes.)


Poster Screenprinting 

Our instructor will cover the techniques used in poster printmaking. Expect to print multi-color designs on paper during the class. Black ink is included for use during class time, and additional colors are available for purchase at the Craft Center (Six classes;includes screen printing class pass).


T-Shirt Screen Printing 

Our instructor will cover one-color printing as well as the basics of multi-color printing. Expect to print a one-color design during the class. One jar of ink is included for use during class time, and additional colors are available for purchase at the Craft Center. (Four classes; includes screenprinting class pass.)

Classes include orientation


Amigurumi: Crochet Toys 

Learn the Japanese art of crocheting small stuffed animals and anthropomorphic creatures. The basics of crochet will be covered while completing one toy. Materials for the first project are included in the class price. Approximate cost of supplies not included in class price: $0-20 for additional yarn and hooks for your own project, if desired. (Five classes.)


Knitting (Beginning) 

Keep your loved ones warm! In this class, you will learn several basic stitches, plus joining and finishing techniques while you make a simple project such as a scarf or hat. 1 pair of knitting needles and one ball of yarn are included in the price of the class, and the instructor will provide purchasing information for those who wish to purchase additional supplies. (Six classes.)


Piecing and Quilting (Beginning) 

Learn basic piecing techniques, reading a pattern, cutting fabric using a rotary cutter, fabric selection, basting, basic quilting designs, and hand finishing. In order to complete a sampler wall-hanging or a baby-sized quilt, time outside of class is highly recommended. One bobbin, one spool of all-purpose thread, and batting for quilts are included in the sale price. More bobbins and thread are available for purchase at the Craft Center. (Seven classes; includes sewing class pass.)


Sewing (Beginning) 

Our instructors will teach students how to use a sewing machine and how to understand a pattern to make clothing or accessories. The instructor will recommend simple projects that are appropriate for beginners. Students may use our machines or bring their own. The instructor will provide a supply list at the first class. (Six classes; includes sewing class pass.)

Class includes Studio Orientation. 


Sewing (Continuing) 

Have an unfinished sewing project laying around? Getting stuck and you wish there was someone there to guide you? This class is for you! This class is intended for students that have taken the beginning sewing class and would like assistance finishing a previous project and reading/laying out patterns (Four classes).



Students will learn to spin on both drop spindle and spinning wheel, and to ply and finish yarn suitable for their particular purpose. Basic wool roving is included in the class price, and the instructor will provide purchasing information for those students who wish to purchase their own roving. (Five classes; includes spinning class pass.)

Class includes orientation.


Weaving - Table Loom 

This class is for students who wish to learn and/or review the basics of weaving; how to calculate and wind a warp, dress a loom, and read drafts (patterns). Finishing techniques, yarn options, and color theory will also be covered. Students will weave at least one small project, such as a scarf, towel, or placemat. Each weaver will have exclusive use of a 4 shaft table loom. To finish your project, it is recommended you weave between classes as well. Some basic yarn is available for students to use, and the instructor will provide purchasing information for additional yarn. (Six classes; includes weaving class pass.)

Class includes Studio Orientation. 

Please note: First class may run long (usually by an extra hour or two.)



This course covers the basics of the blacksmithing craft; how to manipulate and shape metal using the hammer, anvil, and forge. This is a project-based class; students will complete one or two of a few predetermined projects like bottle-openers, candle-holders, etc. Welding will not be covered in this class; any welding necessary for projects will be done by the instructor. Metal for class projects is included in the class price. (Six classes.)

Class includes a Studio Orientation. Includes forge class pass - not a welding class pass.

Please note: The first class includes a mandatory safety review and explanation of basic techniques, so attendance is mandatory. 


Impractical Welding 

Impractical Welding is a class with a focus on using upcycled steel to create small to medium sized sculptures using your imagination! We will work with all kinds of random steel, everything from horseshoes to bike parts to lug nuts to shovel heads! Students are encouraged to bring in their own materials and project ideas as well. You will learn the basics of MIG welding, then move on to sculptural welding, and we will also learn how to use the forge to heat up, bend, and shape metal. 

Skills covered in the class include: MIG welding, plasma cutter, wet saw, drop saw, angle grinder, die grinder, bench grinder, and basic forge techniques. NOTE: Oxy-acetylene welding/brazing and blacksmithing will NOT be covered. 

No previous experience is necessary. All levels welcomed. Class includes a Studio Orientation. Includes welding studio and forge class pass. Please note: First class includes a safety review. Attendance is mandatory. 

Please wear long jeans (cotton) and durable non-synthetic rubber-soled shoes


MIG Sculpture 

This class will cover MIG welding. Participants will create mid-size sculptures perfect for the garden. Upcycle all those old bike parts


Practical Welding 

The main project for this class will be the creation of a garden hoe-fork combo. Each student will be constructing a garden hoe-fork combo through:

  • Cutting and beveling a 2.5-3 inch wide rectangular piece of metal for the spade.
  • Grinding and beveling metal rods to create the fork.
  • Welding together the spade and fork together.
  • Attaching the spade fork combo onto wooden or aluminum handle.
  • Attaching a washer to the end of the handle.
  • Attaching a strap through the washer.

Skills covered in the class include: fabrication and finishing techniques such as cutting, grinding, sanding, MIG and Oxy-Acetylene welding and drilling with a press. Students will be qualified for all the above after the class. No previous experience is necessary. All levels welcomed. (Six classes; includes welding studio class pass.)

Class includes orientation.


Welding (Beginning) 

Gas welding, due to its relatively slow pace, is the ideal starting point for developing good welding technique. Cutting, MIG welding and stick welding will be explored as peripheral subjects. Since the focus of this class is on welding technique, students should not expect to complete specific projects. The first class includes a mandatory safety review, so attendance is required. Practice metal is included in the class price. (Six classes; includes welding studio class pass.)

Class includes orientation.


Welding Studio Qualification 

This qualification is designed for experienced welders who wish to purchase a use pass without first taking our Beginning Welding class. In order to be authorized to use our welding studio, students must demonstrate proficiency on all major tools/equipment in the studio during the qualification class (except the forge, which will not be covered under the Welding Qualification). Major tools include: miter saw, bench grinder/wire wheel, vertical and horizontal band saws, drill press, Beverly shear, sheet metal bender, belt sander, hand grinder, oxy-acetylene welder, MIG welder, and TIG welder. The student must demonstrate knowledge of all safety procedures and protective equipment for each tool and welding type.

Prerequisites: Significant and demonstrable welding and metalworking experience. There will not be a refund in the event that the student does not pass the qualification. Please call the Craft Center at 530-752-1475 or email craftcenter@campusrec.ucdavis.edu for the permission code.


Japanese Kumiko Pattern Workshop 

Learn how to create intricate Japanese wooden patterns using a combination of hand and power tools in this two-day workshop. Members will receive enough wood to make a first pattern and the jigs required for the technique. No additional materials required.


Lathe Techniques 

After a general orientation to using a lathe, the instructor will cover roughing out, scraping, cutting, and finishing techniques. Certification for the wood studio is required for this class. The instructor will provide a supply list at the first class (Seven classes; includes lathe class pass).


Shaper Workshop 

Students will learn proper setup, use, and basic maintenance of the shaper and power feed. Through discussion and demonstrations of techniques stduents will learn how to get the most out of the shaper. 


Table Saw It All 

Learn more than just rip and cross-cuts on the table saw. In this course, we'll cover angled cuts, building jigs and fixtures, and dive into the world of table saw joinery. This is a continuing level class. For class access please call the Craft Center at 530-752-1475.


Wood Studio Qualification 

This qualification course is designed for experienced woodworkers who wish to purchase a use pass or take our Continuing Woodworking or Furniture Building class without first taking our Beginning Woodworking class. In order to be authorized to use our woodshop, students must demonstrate proficiency on the major tools in the woodshop during this qualification course. Major tools include the table saw, band saw, radial arm saw, miter saw, drum/disc sanders, jointer, and planer. Without significant experience on these tools, you must first take a beginning woodworking class.

Prerequisites: Significant experience and proficiency with the table saw, band saw, planer, jointer, radial arm saw and miter saw. There will not be a refund in the event that the student does not pass the qualification. Please contact the Craft Center at 530-752-1475 or email craftcenter@campusrec.ucdavis.edu for a permission code.


Woodworking (Beginning) 

In this class students will learn safe and effective use of woodworking tools while completing a push stick and a breadboard. The emphasis with these projects is on learning the safe and proper use of all of the major tools in the shop, including the table saw, band saw, miter saw, radial arm saw, drill press, drum/disc sanders, planer and jointer). The first two classes include mandatory safety reviews and attendance is required. The instructor will provide a supply list at the first class. (Seven classes; if/when a student demonstrates proficiency on the tools, they will receive a wood studio class pass for the remainder of the quarter.)

Class includes Studio Orientation.


Woodworking (Continuing) 

In this class, students will develop additional woodworking skills as they build a project of their choice, subject to instructor approval. The prerequisite for this class is our Beginning Woodworking class. If you have taken beginning woodworking elsewhere, you must demonstrate proficiency on the major wood tools at our Wood Studio Qualification prior to the first class. (Seven classes; includes wood studio class pass).

Please contact the Craft Center at 530-752-1475 or email craftcenter@campusrec.ucdavis.edu for a permission code.