Officer Resources

The Officer Resources page serves as a hub of important training information, manuals, forms and how-to's that officers will need throughout the year. If you are an incoming or current officer, familiarize yourself with this page. It isn't an exhaustive list of items you will need as an officer, but it contains the most prominent resources that will help you fulfill your duties.

** For a list of all Campus Resources (including emergency, non-emergency situations) visit: **


Fee Waiver for Sport Club Athlete: Financial assistance is available for current students to pay for your Sport Club admin fee. Apply through our Campus Recreation Well-Being Fee Waiver.

How to sign-up on Fusion:

How to sign-up on DoSportsEasy:



*Last updated September 2024*

2024-2025 Sport Clubs Handbook

President/VP Training

Treasurer Officer Training

Safety Officer Training

Travel Officer Training

Miscellaneous Officer Training

Concussion Training

Annual Report - Download

The annual report is submitted by each club at the end of the year to inform the Sport Clubs Office of the incoming leadership for the following school year, membership numbers, and a summary of the club's achievements and challenges, as well as goals for the upcoming year. It also serves as the club's official form of intent to register as a sport club for the following school year.


Sport Clubs coaches need to complete and submit the UCD Club Sports policies and procedures forms annually. Forms must be turned in before any coaching begins. Forms are sent out digitally by the Sport Club Coordinator and completed via DocuSign. There is also an online portion of training that each coach must complete annually as well as mandated reporter concussion training.

Concussion Training

Coaches Training


First check availability for the space you are needing through CES. Please fill out this Sport Clubs CES Reservation Facility Form and email the Assistant Director, Ben, once you have confirmed availability. Classroom Capacity Info. Watch the video below for an easy run-through of this process.

How to Reserve a Space

Fill out this ARC/UCU Center Form and submit it to our Assistant Director, Ben. Please check space availability through CES before submitting form. 
If your club is looking to host an event or tournament at the U-Center, please fill out the form below and email it to Assistant Director, Ben, AND

Completed by using the digital facility request form below. This form is NOT used for meeting rooms or home games/special events. Forms need to be submitted quarterly, BEFORE the deadline set by the Club Sports administration. 
Facility Request Form

Please fill out the request form completely and email it to the Sport Club Coordinator, Abby. 
Special and Home Event Request Form

Rental rate information for campus groups.

The rental rates listed are for the campus community only for official university business and do not apply to non-university sponsored events.  Also, the rates listed reflect facility rental only.  Additional charges may apply for staffing, audio visual, facility attendants, reservations outside building hours, etc.  Rates listed are subject to change at any time without notice.

Facility Rental Rates

Rates for on-campus groups can be found here:
Download PDF

Conference and Event Services Rates

CES Reservation Fee$33.00/room/day


How to Reserve Memorial Union Tables

If you would like to reserve tables at the Memorial Union for your club to market/advertise, you will need to request Fusion access by contacting Abby, our Sport Clubs Coordinator. Once she has given you access, you can reserve your own tables through Memorial Union Table Reservation link. Check in for MU & Silo Tables is now also offered at the Student Community Center front desk.

Memorial Union and Silo Tabling Reservations re-open before every quarter

MU Spaces are also available to reserve during the first three weeks of the quarter. MU Spaces require you to bring your own table as one is not provided. Before tabling, read the Memorial Union website for information about:


All requests for Certificates of Insurance must be directed to the Mercer Service Team. For more information view the Medical Insurance policy or visit UCD Campus Connexions 

Mercer Service:
Service Phone Number: 1-866-838-9536
Service Fax Number: 515-365-3005
Please print and complete the following registration form to be submitted to the Mercer Service Team.


All travel requests will need to be submitted through DoSportsEasy. You can access the travel request form once you log in to your account from our DSE section. Watch the video below for a tutorial on how to properly submit a travel request.

DSE Submit Travel Video

Need a DMV Pull Notice to become an approved driver? Follow this DMV Link.

Traveling separately from your team? Fill out the Independent Travel Form below and submit to the recorders at

Blank Independent Travel Form.pdf


Fundraising Handbook - Download
Donor Intent Form - Download
Deed of Gift Form - Download

Sport Clubs Presentation Donation and Endowment 11-7-24_1.pptx

Sponsorship Info and Policy


All check requests will need to be submitted through DoSportsEasy. You can access the check request form once you log in to your account from our DSE section. Watch the video below for a tutorial on how to properly submit a check request from your allocation, service and donation account.

Allocation/Service/Donation Check Request Video


Clubs are required to submit a quarterly budget workbook to the Sport Club Office detailing their income and expenses for the school year. Presentations re given in Spring Quarter. A sign up sheet will be sent out as the date gets closer. Below are the templates and sample documents to create your budget workbook.

Quarterly Budget Workbook Template - shows incomes and expenses within one quarter; due at the end of fall quarter and the end of winter quarter

Annual Budget Workbook Template - shows incomes and expenses for the entire school year; due at the end of spring quarter

Quarterly Budget WB example.xlsx
Budget WB Annual Example .xlsx


The materials below will help you in making sure your marketing and public relations efforts are in line with the university's and our program's branding guidelines. Please review the guidelines before beginning your design process for merchandise and other items.

Sport Clubs Identity Guidelines

Sport Clubs Identity Guidelines Clarification Video (please review the guidelines entirely before watching this)

Student Affairs Brand Identity Training Video
30-minute training video designed specifically for our student employees who are creating communications (social media, newsletters, webpages, posters, flyers, etc.). This video focuses on the Student Affairs brand identity and emphasizes the importance of accessibility in our interactions with all members of our community, as required by law.

Primary Spirit Marks - Digital Use
Primary Spirit Marks - Print Use
UCD Sport Clubs Lock-up 
These are to be used by designers or the company working on your items. Change of color configuration should be done by Repro Graphics or a professional designer.

UC Davis Brand Communications Guide
Social Media Guidelines
The UC Davis' Brand Communications Guide are for you to look over and get a better understanding of where our guidelines stem from, the university's specific branding guidelines, and the expectation set when representing the UC Davis brand.

Other Helpful Forms and Links

Registrar Eligibility Verification-Please email or bring in a physical copy to Abby,  Please allow at least 7 days to complete this verification process.

Sport Club Athlete Physical Form

Graduation Verification Form

Sport Psychology Resources

Housing Tabling Guidelines Link

Licensed Vendors - Licensing Guide link / Licensed Vendors List

Approved Caterers Link

For more information on COVID-19 campus guidelines and resources, visit: 

Rental Rates

Please call for a complete price quote.

These rates do not include delivery, setup or take down. Delivery, setup and take down are available at the labor rate stated above.

  • Table: $2.00/day
  • Folding Chair: $0.30/day
  • Task Chair:  $25.00/month
  • 6' x 8' Poster board: $35.00/day
  • A-Frames: $3.00/day
  • 10’ x 10’ Tent: $20.00/day

Need help with classes?

Utilize the Student Academic Success Center to help balance school and your passion for Sport Clubs:

Want to give your anonymous feedback?

The Advisory Council wants to hear from you. If you have any feedback on how we can improve our Sport Clubs program, please let us know: Feedback Form