About Campus Recreation

Campus Recreation enhances well-being and the educational experience in the UC Davis community through personal development and involvement in our dynamic programs, services and facilities.



Cultivate inclusive and engaging communities to foster lifelong wellbeing.


Campus Recreation empowers learning, sustains wellbeing, and promotes a sense of belonging for UC Davis communities through collaboration and dynamic experiences.


Inclusion – Dedicated to creating welcoming recreational programs and safe spaces that reflect the diversity and ever-changing population of our participants.

Integrity – Fully embracing the principles of community; we listen, respect, encourage and celebrate.

Fiscal Responsibility – Ethical stewards of resources using funds in the most efficient, transparent and effective manner.

Well-being – A personal journey to be healthy and happy through the incorporation of all dimensions of wellness.

Student Focus – Decision-making and allocation of resources that serve and support student success through the delivery of our programs, services and facilities.

Sustainability – Operates in an environmentally friendly manner and work to ensure longevity of our investments.

Innovation – Creativity and forward thinking to develop new solutions to improve and enhance our programs, services and facilities.

Collaboration  Work cohesively with our partners to achieve goals and find solutions in a meaningful way.

Student Development – Support opportunities for both students and staff to grow personally and professionally to help reach their potential throughout college and beyond.

Risk Management – A proactive community to minimize risk for all participants of our programs, services and facilities.

Advisory Boards

DEI Advisory Council

The Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) Advisory Council is comprised of student and professional staff members of Campus Recreation. This council serves to review department operations with the goal of making our facilities and programs more inclusive and accessible to students, faculty, staff, and the campus community. Council members will also engage in department DEI initiatives such as assessing education and training resources for staff and event organizing. 

The council will provide recommendations to the director of recreation with its assessment of the effectiveness of recreation in meeting the needs of the campus community and its recommendations for the future.

Campus Recreation Advisory Board (CRAB)

The charge of the Campus Recreation Advisory Board is to review the operational, programmatic and fiscal operations of recreation and to recommend steps to be taken to enhance the health, fitness and well being of students, faculty, staff and the campus community. This process will include, but will not be limited to, the current practices, programs, facility usage priorities, policies and strategic planning for capital projects.

The board will provide recommendations to Campus Recreation leadership to best meet the needs of the campus community and its recommendations for the future.

For questions, please contact Associate Director and CRAB Advisor, Olivia Raxter (oraxter@ucdavis.edu).

The department also engages the following advisory councils:

Equestrian Center Advisory Council
IM Sports Advisory Council
Member Services Advisory Council
Sport Clubs Advisory Council


NIRSA (National Intramural and Recreational Sports Association) comprises and supports leaders in collegiate recreation. As college and university students develop into future leaders, NIRSA members support their learning and growth by fostering lifelong habits of wellbeing.

Learn more at NIRSA's website.

ARC Memorial Grove

The Memorial Grove, located in the Activities and Recreation Center courtyard, is a dedicated space to honor and remember former Campus Recreation staff and program participants who have passed away. If you have any questions about adding a plaque in their memory, please reach out to us at memberservices@ucdavis.edu.

With gratitude and remembrance, we honor the following individuals:

Andie Lindeman, 2017-2020 Triathlon
Renee Morrow, 2010-2012 Marching Band
Gregory Jacobs, 2004-2008 Men's Volleyball
Matthew Rybicki, 2006-2007 Men's Crew
John Peckham, 1993-1998 Cycling
Sean McGinity, 1992-1993, Men's Crew