Students caring for their horses at the Equestrian Center

Horseback Riding Lessons

Riding Lessons and the Guardian Angel program are open to all students, staff, faculty and the general public. Participants must be 18 years or older to participate in riding lessons or any Equestrian Center classes.

Private and Semi-Private lessons are offered based on horse and instructor availability during academic breaks and over the summer. If you are interested, please email for availability.

For any questions, please email

Rec Lesson Registration Calendar
Registration Opens*
Lessons Start Week Of
Fall Session 1

9/24/24 at 7am


Fall Session 2

10/29/24 at 7am


Winter Session 1

1/7/25 at 7am


Winter Session 2

2/11/25 at 7am


Spring Session 1

4/1/25 at 7am


Spring Session 2

4/29/25 at 7am


*All times as listed as Pacific Time (California)

Due to the popularity of these classes, lessons typically fill within minutes of registration opening. We recommend you log in on and be ready to register a few minutes before 7am.  Review class offerings beforehand (posted in advance) and contact us with questions before registration opens.

Group Riding Lessons

All group riding lessons include the use of our lesson horses and all horse tack/equipment. We have safety helmets and boots available for participants to borrow. Our boot selection is limited so we recommend you bring your own boots or shoes with a 1/2-inch heel. Long pants and comfortable clothes are highly recommended.

For the health and well-being of our horses, we follow the veterinarian recommended standard of a 20% carrying capacity for lesson horses. Currently, our horses' maximum carrying capacity in a western saddle is 180lbs with two of our horses being able to carry up to 210lbs.-. If you are over the carrying capacity, unfortunately, we will be unable to accommodate you in our riding lesson this quarter but we highly encourage that you sign up for our Guardian Angel program or future Horse Seminars. We offer multiple alternatives to riding that involve working with horses in fun, hands-on and relaxing environment. We are also open to visitors who are welcome to spend time at the facility and pet/give treats to our lesson horses (wearing plastic collars) If you would like more information about this policy and what horses are available for you to ride or alternatives to riding such as our Guardian Angel program, please email us at

View all Equestrian Classes at

Riding 100

Students $190/ All others $220

Enroll Online

Introduction to the fundamentals of horseback riding and how to safely handle a horse. Learn how to mount, stop, start, steer, and dismount a horse. Both English and Western styles will be sampled and practiced at the walking gait. Course content will include principles of good horsemanship and riding basics.


Riding 200

Students $190/ All others $220

Enroll Online

Learn to ride at faster gaits including the jog and trot. Course content will include principles of good horsemanship and riding basics at the walk, jog, and trot. Rider position and control will be emphasized along with safe riding practices, steering, and spacing while riding in a group. Introduction to basic obstacle courses and patterns. Successful completion of Riding 100 or equivalent and recommendation of the instructor are required to enroll in this class.


Riding 200/300

Students $380/ All others $440

Enroll Online

This 8 week extended class will combine the topics taught in riding 200 and 300 such learning to trot and building on advanced skills and techniques at the trot and job. Learn how to post the trot, identify diagonals, and two-point position while riding patterns and over obstacles. Improve your balance, position and effective riding aids on horseback.


Riding 300

Students $190/ All others $220

Enroll Online

Learn more advanced skills and techniques at the trot and jog. Learn how to post the trot, identify diagonals, two-point while riding patterns and over obstacles. Good horsemanship and rider position will continue as fundamental principles of this class. Riding 200 or equivalent and recommendation of the instructor are required to enroll in this class. 


Riding 400

Students $190/ All others $220

Enroll Online

Learn how to ride at the canter or lope. Correct technique and picking up the proper lead at these faster gaits will be emphasized. The course will focus on rider position, control, and proper use of aids. A rider must have successfully completed Riding 300 or equivalent and the recommendation of the instructor are required to enroll in this class.

Private & Semi-Private Lessons

Private Lessons and Semi-Private Lessons are available on a case-by-case basis. Contact the Equestrian Center Office at to schedule a lesson or get more details.

Horse Seminars & Volunteer Classes

One-Day Horse Seminars

Price varies by class type.

Enroll Online

Participants can sign up for a range of activites in our one-day horse seminars. These classes offer hands on experience on the topic participants sign up for. Topics can include ground work, horse clipping, treat making, learning different horse braids, etc. All are fun things to learn with your new horse friend! These seminars are taught by UC Davis students who are passionate about the subjects and offer a fun, hands-on and beginner friendly learning enviroment You must be on time and attend the scheduled class since no refunds or make-up sessions are given.


Guardian Angel

Students $110/ All others $125

Enroll Online

This is an 8 week training program offered once a quarter, including summer. Participants will learn basic horse handling skills and undergo the training needed to engage in the Guardian Angel Program at the Equestrian Center. Safely leading, grooming, haltering, and tying a horse will be taught. Guardian Angels are assigned a UCD horse to spend time with after successful completion of the training course. Guardian Angels can give the horse special attention, care, and hand grazing while enjoying the horse and human bond in this rewarding and relaxing program. This class is required for those wishing to participate in the volunteer program. Please note this program does not include riding or training privileges and is intended to be a treat for both horse and human.


Hooves for Heroes

Hooves for Heroes is a special program hosted by the UC Davis Equestrian Center for UCD student veterans and their dependents to experience bonding with horses in a peaceful, outdoor environment. The Equestrian Center's helps cover part of cost of this program and offers the training as a reduced price. You do not need any prior horse experience to volunteer. All skills levels are welcome. We will teach you the important aspects of horse care, horse behavior and safety. After learning the how to work with our horses, volunteers will choose their two favorite horses that they can groom, walk, give treats to and hand graze. The program promotes a relaxing and welcoming environment where you can create your own schedule and work with the horses at your own pace. For more information on how to become a Hooves for Heroes volunteer you can contact us at


Online Registration:

Step 1. Click here to visit the Recreation online portal.

Step 2. Click the Sign Up Button in the upper right hand corner. (Students/Staff can login using their Kerberos information.)

Step 3. Fill in the required fields in order to create a profile.

NOTE: We cannot provide reimbursement for the Wellbeing Waiver. Secure a waiver before enrolling in a class.


Policies & FAQs can be found at