Western Equestrian Club Rider Takes National Title
Carly Johnson takes Individual Beginner National Champion Title
The Western Equestrian Club Team at UC Davis competed in the 2022 Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association National Championships. Team president Carly Johnson led the way as the Individual Beginner National Champion. The competition took place at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex and Expo Center in Harrisburg, PA over a four-day period. Sarah Costanzo, president of the Hunter Jumper Team also competed in the Individual Novice Equitation on the Flat.
Western Horsemanship is an event that evaluates a rider’s ability and skill in performing a set of maneuvers and patterns. Riders are judged on their ability to work with their horse to execute a pattern. An additional challenge is in IHSA where horses are selected at random on the day of the competition and the riders are unable to get to know or warm up on their selected horse.
Carly is a third year Anthropology student and has been competing in Western Horsemanship for just under three years. She started with the club in fall quarter and has loved the experience. She says, “I've met some of my closest friends because of this club, and it has given me the opportunity to ride and show throughout college without having to own my own horse (they're expensive!).” Carly loves the opportunity to compete and travel with the team to away competitions. It is always a great opportunity to get to know teammates outside of the lessons and campus.
Campus Rec welcomes Carly to our strong list of Individual and Team National Champions. You can see all of our National Champs recognized on the banners around the 4-Court Gym in the ARC.