Liam Glenn


Position Title
Strength Training | Hypertrophy | Confidence Building


Wellness Philosophy
To me, wellness embodies the harmony between mental and physical well-being. I hold a firm belief in the profound impact of exercise on mental health and overall personal life. Importantly, exercise can take various forms, catering to individual preferences and lifestyles. As a trainer, my aim is to guide you toward physical activities that not only bring you joy but also become a highlight of your day. The ultimate goal is for you to look forward to exercising, rather than see it as a stressor.

Hello! My name is Liam, and I'm currently in my third year pursuing a degree in Computer Science at UC Davis. My athletic journey began with playing baseball in high school, where I was first introduced to the realm of the gym and weightlifting. I began weightlifting independently during my freshman year at Davis, and was quickly captivated by the measurable progress and the exhilarating challenges it presents. I adopt a scientific methodology towards exercise, emphasizing the importance of setting realistic and achievable goals, and following a tailored plan to attain them. My own journey of embarking on a fitness regimen independently has enlightened me to the intimidating aspects newcomers face. I enjoy assisting individuals in their journey to not only comprehend their fitness routines but also to find joy and fulfillment in them.

Personal Interests

  • Weight Training
  • Rock Concerts
  • Hiking



  • First Aid/CPR/AED Certified, American Red Cross
  • Personal Trainer, American Council on Exercise