
A picture of Wendy, Living Well Peer Counselor
  • Cooking on a Budget
  • Meal-Prep
  • Intuitive Eating

Nutrition Philosophy

I believe that nutrition is more than eating a hearty balanced meal. It is also about building a healthy relationship with food where food is not seen as a chore but rather as something that is enjoyable. 


Hi! I am a 4th year student at UC Davis. I am originally from San Francisco, where I fell in love with food after being spoiled by the many tasty and diverse cuisines. My love for food sparked my interest in understanding how food affects the human body on a micro and macro level. This same passion for food led me to exploring the art of cooking which taught me to appreciate all aspects of the ingredients I use and consume. Cooking for me was my connection to intuitive eating and I hope to help others find their healthy relationship with food. 


  • Cooking delicious food on a budget
  • Meal-Prep
  • Intuitive eating


  • Cooking
  • Traveling
  • Reading


Clinical Nutrition

Bachelor of Science, University of California, Davis

Expected Graduation Date: March 2024

Email livewell@campusrec.ucdavis.edu to schedule your consultation.