Outdoor Adventures

Outdoor Diversity: Conversations for a Revolution

Thao Nguyen worked for Outdoor Adventures between 2018 and 2020 while working on her degree in Studio Arts at UC Davis. During that time she worked as a guide for both the whitewater rafting, and sea kayaking programs, worked in the Rental Center, and was ultimately promoted to student manager of the water program. She graduated in June of 2020 but has continued to be a presence at Outdoor Adventures working on this article project as well as committing to co-chair our newly developed Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Task Force. 

Adventure Training with Talia - XC Skiing

Curious about the OA trips we have to offer but are not sure what to expect? Adventure Training with Talia shows you a new OA trip every other week to teach you all about them. This week Talia will be showing us the OA cross country skiing trips. 

The trip takes you to Castle Peak trailhead to XC ski for a few hours before ending the trip with a scenic lunch break. For this trip you will be provided with XC skis, ski boots, and pools.

Talia will also show you what workouts are best for the up and downhill skiing on the trip. 

Campfire Songs with Jake - "Ain’t No Sunshine"

A new campfire song comes out Friday, May 22! Each week Jake plays a new song for us, as well as teaches us guitar techniques to learn ourselves. Today Jake is explaining how to fingerpick on the guitar. He shows us his favorite basic technique that is easy to learn for all levels. All you need is a guitar to play along. If you don’t have a guitar then just enjoy Jake singing “Ain’t No Sunshine” by Bill Withers. It’s worth a listen! 

Car Camping and Cooking

By Rachel Hallmark

Campsite cooking can seem intimidating especially if you do not have much experience camping. However, camping should be fun and cooking while camping shouldn’t be too stressful...it’s just like cooking normally, but outside! Here’s some tips to help make cooking while car camping a little bit less intimidating.

Know how you’re going to be cooking

5 Tips for Purchasing Your First Road Bike

By Sophia Vanderheym | April 23, 2020

With spring in full bloom and oh so many places yet to explore, now seems like the opportune moment to try something new! For me, it’s road biking and I hope it is for you too! Biking may seem like a daunting sport to delve into, but below are tips to help make the process of purchasing one’s first bike easier.

How To: Find Good Car Camping Spots 

How To Find Good Car Camping Spots 

By Rachel Hallmark / April 29, 2020

Are you anxious to camp in the great outdoors, but aren’t quite ready to strap on a backpack to carry all your gear into the backcountry? Or maybe you still want some amenities like a barbeque pit and an outhouse? Well luckily, there are many opportunities to camp outdoors while still being able to drive your car to a campsite. Here are some tips to help you find great car camping spots! 

Talk to Rangers!

Cycling / 5 Tips for Purchasing Your First Road Bike

By Sophia Vanderheym

Outdoor Adventures' staff is committed to providing students and community members with content that teaches new skills, provides fun ways to get outside, and that keeps everyone laughing throughout this special circumstance.

Biking is a great way to experience the great outdoors, right outside of your home. 

Birding With Jake / Mallards

Outdoor Adventures' staff is committed to providing students and community members with content that teaches new skills, provides fun ways to get outside, and that keeps everyone laughing throughout this special circumstance.